Seeing that I do not even have an agent yet, this subject might just be a bit premature to address, but a recent article on this subject in Writer's Digest caught my eye for obvious reasons. I have been working on my "work in progress" for over three years (yes, that's three years). I am as finished as I will ever be; I just re-read it after taking a few months break and I actually really do like it and have changed no more than a word here and there.
So, assuming that I am fortunate enough to land an agent and then get signed by a publishing house, am I back to square one? What if the editor is not too thrilled with the work and starts re-writing? How much re-writing can she or he do or ask for? What types of edits can they request or recommend? Can they rip into pieces what I spent years to put together?
Thanks for your thoughts on this.