Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Writer's Wednesday and a Blog Hop

I just joined the Writer's Wednesday Blog Hop.  I don't usually blog hop (couldn't tell you why), but after giving it some thought I decided to participate now.
Why now?  
I have learned a lot by following other writers/bloggers, seeing what they are working on, what their challenges are, and how they go about solving them.  So why not continue down that road!

Do you want "in on the action?"
Go to The World of My Imagination, add your link to the blog hop roll, and follow a few simple rules.

And enjoy the results!


  1. I enjoy your blog and I'm happy to let you know that you've been awarded the Liebster Blog Award! Check out my post to learn more:

  2. I'm Kat from the bloghop c: I'm here to say hi, I like your blog, new follower!

  3. I left you an award on my blog :)

  4. Thank you Kelly & thank you Cassie Mae for the award!!!

    And thank you Kat for following - I'm going to check out yours too.

