Friday, January 13, 2012

Blogging - When, Why, and How Often?

Approaching my one-year anniversary as a blogger, I was thinking about what I have learned during this past year as it relates to blogging and how I am doing as a blogger.  Should I blog more often?  Should I write about topics unrelated to writing?  How much time should I spend on each post?  Do I enjoy blogging? And what am I trying to achieve?

Overall, I enjoy keeping this blog - it's fun to write about various topics and to read people's comments, advice, and thoughts.  It also makes me think about the different elements of writing and allows me to share the challenges thereof.  Of course I hope that it helps me develop as a writer and slowly establish a platform, which I feel I will need if I am published one day.  And, last but not least, I am glad to have met so many other writers in the process!

The main challenge is time.  Blogging just once a week as I do takes at least 30 minutes.  I also check my bloglist twice a week for at least 30 minutes to see what you're all blogging about (now that is loads of fun!).  Sure, an hour and a half does not sound like a lot, but when there are so many other tasks that vie for that same time slot late at night, it is. 

What is your main objective in blogging?  How much do you blog?  Any suggestions for me?


  1. Oh! Yay on your blogoversary :) And I blog at least 3 times a week and I check out posts daily, but I'm scheduling time for that, limiting the amount spent as I peruse the blogosphere. I say do whatever works for you. Sounds like you've got it all under control :)

  2. I have been slow on the blog-train. For the last year, I've only blogged once a week. I upped that goal to twice a week this year. I am trying to schedule time to go blog-reading, but I feel really guilty if I don't pay attention to everyone. I am going to have to get over it, though. Time is feeling pretty darn short, I agree.

  3. I blog about three times a week but it really just depends if I feel I have something relevant to write about. I check on everyone's blogs daily. A quick look in the morning and a quick one at night which probably totals 60min.

    Congrats on your blogoversary!!!

  4. You seem to be doing fine. Let it grow and change as it will.

  5. Hi Eva, My main objective is to build a platform and eventually when I have finished my manuscript--which should be soon, I'll have at least two people who will want to read my book! LOL
    By the way, I love that book on your nightstand. Embers by Marai is a great book!

  6. I think that if it works for you, then you should go with it. :)

    I blog a few times a week--no more than four, unless something dramatic happens.

    Congratulations on a year of blogging!

  7. Congrats on the blogiversary! I think it's important to reevaluate every so often.

    I started blogging, because I knew it's what editors and agents want. I continue to blog still partly because of that, but mostly because of the great relationships with other authors that blogging has helped me to build. I love this community! Writers really rock. I've gotten to know them in a way I wouldn't have been able to otherwise.

    As far as time, I probably spend 10 hours a week. So, um, yeah. Time consuming. Maybe it's time I reevaluate. ;)

  8. I blog almost every day... until I have those 3 day meltdowns where the days all run into each other! I think it is all about blogging and doing what works for you, and then the people you gather will just sense the enjoyment at your end.
    I know the guilt factor - I can never keep up with all the fab people around here... but I reckon most people will feel like that at some point!
    Happy blogaversary when it arrives Lxx

  9. Congrats on getting to your anniversary. I'm not quite there yet... I started out blogging three times a week and trying to keep up with all the blogs I follow too but it all got a bit too much. So now I blog twice a week and read others' blogs for about an hour each time and that seems to work for me. I also try and blog about my genre rather than general writing related topics.

  10. Happy Anniversary! These days I like to create a blog entry at leas once or twice per week. Most of my posts center around writing (for me). Sometimes I post advice or a humorous outlook on some form of making progress in this world.

    I like the following types of blog posts:

    Opinions (mostly satire)
    Writing Advice
    The human experience
    Blog chains and hops
    Photo Essays
    Slice of Life (tell a day in your life)

  11. I'm celebration my one year blog anniversary too! I can't believe that people can blog every day. I guess I'm not that interesting so I only blog once a week. I also spend time reading other people's blogs.

  12. Happy blog-iversary! When you're a writer (especially in this age), blogging is super important! It's good that you're willing to put in the effort. :)

    I mostly blog to stay in touch with other writers, agents, editors, etc. and try to build my readership. I probably check other people's blog posts 5 days a week, and then I (try to) blog once a week at least.

    It is hard to figure this in to each day (every moment is precious when you're working AND writing), but it's important and you'll do better in the long run. :)

  13. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read and comment! It looks like we all have our struggles at time as it relates to blogging and all we need to do is find the right balance that works for each of us.

  14. Happy anniversary. I blog a minimum of three times a week and in between I read the other blogs. I mainly blog about writing as an indie author and not so much the standard published one because that's where the trials really are. But my blogs are also about life, because as a writer everything that goes on is affects your writing.

    By blogging, it allows readers to get to know me the author and how I'm not much different than they are. Blogging once a week is a good start, but as you expand your blogging you develop more contacts.

  15. Yay! I finally got to make a comment. For the longest time I couldn't even get your blog to come up for me. I started out blogging once a week. This year it's my goal to up it to two times a week. It hasn't been too hard, so far, to do. I guess it's only been two weeks, though!

  16. Thank you J.L and Lara for the tips (and really the heads up - good to know what I can and should expect!)

    I know - Blogger has not been super friendly lately - I still cant work it on Firefox...

  17. I'm not one to ask because I spend about 3-4 hours a week blogging. BUT it's how I found my agent, how I became a better writer, how I found people to help me promote my book.

    I write posts way ahead of time, and have fun with it. I think of it as part of writing. It's definitely not the same for everyone.

  18. Neat blog! This year I'm working on posting twice a week, and gearing my posts towards writing and writing advice. Hopefully stuff people will wan to read :)
